Security Saves Money: How Reusable Patterns and Control Artifacts from CloudGuardRails Empower Faster, Risk-Reduced SDLC Integration
Integrating Threat Modeling with Risk and Controls Processes in Regulated Industries such as Finance, Healthcare, and Critical Infrastructure
Our ThreatModCon 2024 Presentation
New Content for Podcast
And I just got used to the old way
New Content for our Necessary Security Podcast
Is Threat Modeling Tools or Process?
Navigating Cloud Architecture: Insights from Industry Leaders
Unraveling the Microsoft Data Breach: A Timeline Analysis and Recommendations Review
Leveraging OCC and FFIEC IT Booklets: The Role of Threat Modeling in Effective Risk Management
Unlocking Success: Chicago's Guide to Threat Modeling and Architecture
Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats: Necessary Security Tips for Chicago
Maximizing Cloud Security: Best Practices for Chicago Businesses